Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is the key to a successful business?

Based on my experience, the most valuable key to a successful business is the passion for it.  Passion gives me the energy to wake up excited to start my day as an entrepreneur.  I always look forward to a day at work, what my plans are, what is it going to be, what challenges will I encounter and how do I tackle those challenges.

Hard work, perseverance, creativity, and the belief that you are doing something worthwhile not just for the business, for your family, for the people & economy but using your potentials to live up to your dreams.

Then, as the previous vlog of Angela Jia Kim of Savor the Success - (our group for women entrepreneurs)she is talking about the right path--the passion to do the thing that makes the business flow easily.
Then let's talk about my passion--for crafts & creativity, promoting Eco-Friendly and organic products in the market, following the Fair Trade practices, Giving Back, cooking, food, travel, family and friends---That is the reason we are expanding our product line from crafts to natural and organic food.

It is probably a big step outside our comfort zone but we think positive--It will be a success!



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